Welcome to the World of Erica Joy
A place to experience the joy behind the photos, learn photography tips & tricks, & get a behind the scenes look into Erica Joy Photography
Welcome friends!
I am so grateful to welcome you to this blog in the hopes of sharing my passion for photography with you! For me, photography is more than taking beautiful images - it’s about capturing the emotion and essence of a single moment, and sharing that with the world. The photographs that I share are of locations that have brought me joy, peace and comfort.
Photography has been a part of my life since high school. I grew up constantly expressing myself creatively through various art projects and endeavors. But I never truly excelled at any of the traditional creative outlets that are offered in public school: drawing, painting, orchestra, dance, etc. I entered high school, saw an elective for photography and knew I had to try it. And as you can guess, I immediately fell in love with seeing the world through my lens and photography quickly became a part of my life.

Fast forward to the year before the COVID pandemic started. I had just moved to Boston and barely knew anyone. So I decided to try to meet people through a common interest, photography. I joined meet up groups, took some photography classes and started to remember how much I loved capturing the world through my lens. As the pandemic started to change our world, I realized photography was something I could still do safely, and I threw myself head first into it. I learned SO much in those two years.
I think the best comparison I can make is to the classic dessert, apple pie a la mode. Now, stay with me on this one. It felt like up until now, I was always enjoying the vanilla ice cream. It was reliably good but it was ultimately a little flavorless and unexciting. Through the classes and workshops I was taking, I broadened my horizons and learned there was actually an entire apple pie that's intended to go along with that vanilla ice cream. Sure, the ice cream was delicious and fun to enjoy, but there was an entire pie to indulge in this whole time too! Even better, every style of apple pie is just a little bit different.
Becoming a business
Eventually, I decided to make a life long dream of mine come true and I applied to start selling my images at art markets. And Erica Joy Photography was born. Since then, I've expanded to selling at art fairs, local markets, art festivals, and more. It has been such an incredible experience being able to share my art with the world and receive such welcoming, positive feedback.
But what I've realized throughout this journey is that it's not just about the work for me. It's about building a community of people who share an appreciation for the magic in a photograph. So, I'm starting this blog to share my photographic journey, the tips and tricks I've learned along the way, and the places I've captured.
As we embark on this expedition together, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you for being a part of this venture. Your encouragement, support and presence are what fuel my passion and push me to continually evolve as an artist.
Thank you for joining me on this journey.
With love and gratitude,
Erica Joy